Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Uploading images

"Port Kembla July 2006"

How cool is this mashup?
The artist states that the pic is a composite of about 15 photos of the local scenery from 'Hill 60' at Port Kembla, Wollongong NSW.
I think this is a great example of how mashups let you do beautiful things with the most ordinary scenery/landscape shots!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hello world!

Hope to learn a lot from this Learning 2.0 program!

I already blog elsewhere, and sub to a number of professional and leisure time RSS feeds, so feel pretty confident with that.

I'm a Web 2.0 convert; and hope to see social media best practice implemented in cultural institutions soon.

Some ideas I am currently toying with though:

1. Access. ABS stats indicate 46% of Australian have compouters/web access, and that this is spread very unevenly throughout different social groups and communities. I see this daily in the public library I work in - one of our core services at present appears to be providing access for those who don't have it otherwise for whatever reason. So, my caution is if we aim to deliver services online, we have to remember the have nots!!!!

2. Quality. A lot of what I see on the web is professional and well informed. A lot is narcissistic to the max- particulalrly in the social mediums!!! How can/ should we be navigating for quality?Esp as lilbraires this is our major aim - to deliver and to direct our patrons to quality resources.

3. Overload. There is so much out there - so many blogs, so many avatars. In our library rows of people sit and interact with pcs, and not with each other - some are even members of the same family! The online world is somewhat disconnectected from reality by its very nature. It can become obsessive - truly becoming your 'second life'. I would hate for 'second life' to become first - at the cost of reality!!!!